Your Culinary Adventure Awaits

chef dona

What started out as a passion project, turned into a full-time career and a wonderful part of my life.

Everyday I learn something new about food and cooking, nutritional values, and healing properties. I want to share my knowledge with you and open up a whole new world that can be a huge benefit to how you feel on a day-to-day basis. 

Let’s start your journey!

cooking classes nyc | making sloppy joes | cooking instructor

14 different recipes every week!

Embrace your culinary journey. Whether you're a devoted vegan, a dedicated carnivore, or somewhere in between, I've got the perfect recipes for your palate. Enjoy fresh recipes delivered weekly to keep your dining experience exciting and enjoyable

Includes Breakfast & Dinner!

weekly recipes

breakfast & dinneR

Weekly recipes customized for each individual, based on your dietary restrictions and preferences, include the list of shopping ingredients that produce a variety of dishes and leave you with no produce waste.

video recipes


With your subscription, you will have an all-access pass to my video recipes.  These budget-friendly, effortless recipes will be at your disposal. Every month a new video will be added to your initial 30 videos. 

"One can not think well, love well, sleep well if one has not dined well.”

  –  Virginia Woolf  – 


Whats in Season?

Embracing the bounty of seasonal harvests is a culinary and ecological choice that bears remarkable benefits. Beyond the joy of savoring fruits and vegetables at their flavorful zenith, aligning our meals with the seasons nurtures both personal health and the planet.

We have an entire page dedicated to providing you with guidance on what is currently in season.

Feel the love

“There’s no other way to start your day. I stop at Juiceito every morning!”
Floyd B.
“There’s no other way to start your day. I stop at Juiceito every morning!”
Floyd B.
“There’s no other way to start your day. I stop at Juiceito every morning!”
Floyd B.